
Fringe update: One show left!

Wow, Fringe seemed to fly by this year, though I clearly recall us working our butts off on stage night after night. Many of our friends and longtime Kow fans have told us that we’ve never sounded better, and I agree with them. One Kow fan wrote: ” I laughed at Thursday’s show so hard that Fringe update: One show left!

Fringe mid-week update

It’s mid-week for Apocalypse Kow, and how is Apocalypse Kow’s Greatest Show Ever? According to our audience, it’s a really good show! There are tons of laughs, plenty of great music, and fun for the whole family. We’ve been reviewed by Vue Weekly’s Carolyn Jervis, who calls us “good-spirited entertainment for all ages” and “Edmonton’s Fringe mid-week update

Fringe update: Opening night!

Our opening night tonight was pretty fun. Even I enjoyed myself, and I’m usually a nervous wreck when it comes to our opening performance at the Fringe. We sounded great, most of our cues were tight, and we remembered 95% of our lines, correctly at that! The audience laughed in the right places, and enthusiastic audience Fringe update: Opening night!

Fringe online ticketing issues

Hey, Kow boys and Kow girls. There appears to be some confusion regarding the Fringe’s online ticketing system. Some patrons report being unable to purchase tickets for some shows. This is allegedly due to certain performances appearing in grey, a pretty universal online symbol of “unavailable.” This is not the case, however, and tickets for Fringe online ticketing issues

Fringe is upon us!

  The Edmonton International Fringe Festival is upon us and, with it, the latest in a 9-season streak of Apocalypse Kow shows. This is our third year at an indoor BYOV and we are excited to bring our fans a brand new shows filled with exciting and improbable features: puppy fire-juggling, baby pyrotechnics, international celebrities, Fringe is upon us!