New songs!

Wow, Joel Forth is an arrangement machine! He’s supplied us with not one, but two new arrangements in the last couple of weeks. I’m not going to spoil them here, but there’s a chance you’ll get to hear them soon. How soon, you ask? I’m not going to spoil that here, either. As a a teaser, New songs!

Have any gigs for us?

It’s been a rollicking month for your Kow Boys of Moo Corner. I suppose the big news is that we have a metric crapton of new arrangements coming down the pipe. You may remember me saying that one of Kow’s big goals for this is to learn 10 new songs for this year’s Fringe. Well, Have any gigs for us?

Happy new year!

It’s a brand new year for Apocalypse Kow and that means a new performing season. We’re starting 2014 off with a bang, as we’re gearing up for one gig in a couple of weeks and finalizing a second for March. I’m hoping we do more gigs this year because I love performing and I really Happy new year!

Kabaret gingerbread houses

The umpteenth “annual” Apocalypse Kow Kristmas Kabaret is today (Wednesday), so I hope y’all are ready for fun, friendship, and ffff… eng shui? Festivity, yes, that’ another appropriate “f” word! As usual, we have CDs, shirts, and Kow-zoos for sale, and we’ve brought back the Beefy Package that was so popular during Fringe. What’s the Kabaret gingerbread houses