Fringe prep, part 3

It’s two days til our first show of Fringe, the first of 9 classic Apocalypse Kow shows of silliness and song. Opening ceremonies are tomorrow, the first of one classic Fringe opening ceremony of… openness… I guess? Today’s rehearsal consists of loading up all our equipment, merch, and concession materials and trucking them all to Fringe prep, part 3

Fringe prep, part 2

Hooray, it’s August! … Holy cats on a pogo stick, it’s August! Fringe is in two weeks and we haven’t even tested the trampoline yet! Or the tightrope! Or the oboe goats! It’s a darn good thing, then, that we don’t have any of those things in our Fringe show. This year, we’re taking things Fringe prep, part 2

Fringe prep, part 1

We’re pleased to announce that we will be in the Edmonton Fringe Festival again this year. That makes 2014 our 10th consecutive year at the Fringe! Due to this awesome milestone, we are bringing you a great show chock-full of music. If you missed our Spring Fling, then most of the music will be brand Fringe prep, part 1

Change of Plans

We were saddened this week to hear that long-time friend of Kow and member of the Chickadeez, Allison T. had lost her father in a car accident. Our thoughts are with her and her family in this difficult time. This also means a change of plans for our Spring Fling. The Chickadeez were slated to Change of Plans


Earlier this week, you may have seen the poster pop up on Facebook, but in case you found the veracity of the information therein to be of question, please, allow me to confirm with you that the SPRING FLING IS A THING! What kind of thing you ask? Well here are some highlights to look SPRING FLING!