One week away! The Apocalypse Kow Kristmas Kabaret 2014!

COME ONE COME ALL to Kow’s Annual Festive Cabaret! Every year for the last upteen years, Apocalypse Kow’s held a Christmas cabaret in support of very important causes and charities. This year’s featured charity is the Canadian Mental Health Association – Edmonton Region. 100% of all net proceeds from this event will go towards supporting One week away! The Apocalypse Kow Kristmas Kabaret 2014!

A season of charity

It’s a quiet time for Kow. The festivals (Fringe and Kaleido) are over, four Kows have gone back to jobs after a summer break. But one thing fell by the wayside right after Fringe. One of our friends, Trish Horobec, participated in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge and challenged the five of us to do A season of charity

Kow at Kaleido Fest!

If you’ve been jonesing for your post-Fringe Apocalypse Kow fix, you’re in luck! This weekend, Kow will be performing on Saturday and Sunday at the Kaleido Family Arts Festival! It’ll be our first time at the festival, so we hope to see a lot of our Kow fans in the crowd. It takes over several Kow at Kaleido Fest!

Post-Fringe wrap-up 2014

Another Fringe has come and gone. The equipment and merchandise have been put away, voices are resting, and we don’t have to look at each other’s mugs for a week and a half! Every year, the lead-up to Fringe is always a stressful time of learning lines, learning music, logistics, volunteer wrangling, set list creation, Post-Fringe wrap-up 2014

Fringe 2014

It’s been a pretty busy week here at Moo Corner. Even though none of us are working this week, we’ve been doing Fringe shows every night (except Tuesday, our one night off). Some of us are even doing two  Fringe shows–Devin and Jago are also either performing, hosting, or doing tech for #YEGprov, and Stan is Fringe 2014