Fringe wrap-up 2015!

It’s been such an exciting couple of weeks here at the House at Moo Corner. Supercali-FRINGE-ilistic went very well for us as we hosted over 300 happy, supportive audience members. We got to talk to many of you after our shows, and everyone we’ve talked to haven’t been able to say enough good things about Fringe wrap-up 2015!

A very special Fringe offer

Apocalypse Kow Gets Serious Poster   It’s 5 days to our first performance of Supercali-FRINGE-ilistic. Our poster is printed, we’ve learned our songs, we’ve memorized our lines, we’ve scheduled our volunteers, and we’re in the process of assembling all the props and signage we’ll need. This week, we will be setting up our venue with A very special Fringe offer

Fringe prep 2015

It’s that time of year again, Kow boys and Kow girls! Summer is here and in just a few weeks, Old Strathcona will be abuzz with tens of thousands of people enjoying the annual Fringe Festival! Of course, your favourite Boys from Moo Corner have a show this year, and once again, it will be Fringe prep 2015

Thank you

Thanks to everyone who came to the show. We’re so glad y’all had a good time with us. We’d also like to thank Minister Faust and Brother Octopus (Nathaniel Sutton) for being our guests and sharing their art with us. And thanks to our volunteers: Glenn, Leah, and Anita, who are longtime Kow fans. Thanks Thank you