Fringe mid-week update

It’s mid-week for Apocalypse Kow, and how is Apocalypse Kow’s Greatest Show Ever? According to our audience, it’s a really good show! There are tons of laughs, plenty of great music, and fun for the whole family. We’ve been reviewed by Vue Weekly’s Carolyn Jervis, who calls us “good-spirited entertainment for all ages” and “Edmonton’s Fringe mid-week update

Fringe update: Opening night!

Our opening night tonight was pretty fun. Even I enjoyed myself, and I’m usually a nervous wreck when it comes to our opening performance at the Fringe. We sounded great, most of our cues were tight, and we remembered 95% of our lines, correctly at that! The audience laughed in the right places, and enthusiastic audience Fringe update: Opening night!

It’s Fringe time!

Another year, another Edmonton International Fringe Festival! “Apocalypse Kow’s Greatest Show Ever” is this year’s Kow concert/multimedia extravaganza! We’ve done Fringe shows for ten years now, and this year, we’re going all out! New songs! New dance moves! Pyrotechnics!  Will the five of us pull it off? TIME will tell! Tickets are just $10 for It’s Fringe time!