Wow, what an autumn it’s been for Apocalypse Kow this year. As if it weren’t awesome enough that we got to sing O Canada at the Edmonton Eskimos game, we also got to walk in the footsteps of Edmonton history by singing O Canada and The Star-Spangled Banner at an Edmonton Oil Kings game! That’s right, friends. In case you haven’t been tuned into our social media, we got to walk out onto the ice at the historical Northlands Coliseum and start off a hockey game. Both organizations treated us extremely well, ad we’re hoping that we’ll be called upon again. And again. And again! It’s such a privilege and an honour to sing our national anthem at a sports event.
But we’re not through with 2015 yet. Our next appearance is this Saturday. Yes, we will be performaing as part of the All is Bright Festival on 124th street. We were asked by our friends at local comics store Variant Edition to perform at one of the post-Festival celebrations that are happening all around 124 street after the main Festival ends at 8pm. We’ll be doing a lot of old favourites and more recent hits, and a handful of holiday/winter/Christmas songs. And the best part? The show is pay-what-you-can! We will also be selling CDs at the show, which make for fantastic Christmas gifts for friends and family both local and distant. And Kow-zoos for the kids… or your friends’ kids!
If you’re checking out the All is Bright Festival, stick around afterwards and head to Variant Edition at 8pm for an Apocalypse Kow fun-time performance! The info is posted to our Facebook page now!