Kow and Extra Life 2013

Everyone knows someone who plays videogames. Heck, you may play them yourself, even though your parents said that nothing good could come from spending so much time playing videogames. Well, you can tell your parents they were wrong, because there is a way that playing a whole mess of videogames can benefit people, especially kids.

Extra Life is an organization where people can volunteer to play videogames to raise money for a hospital member of the Children’s Miracle Network. Normally, these volunteers play for 24 hours but this year, because the event date happens to be the same day as Daylight Savings (Nov. 2), we’ll be playing for 25 hours! That’s right, over one whole day of playing videogames to raise money to help sick kids in hospital. That’s more than a good cause, right?

Three of your favourite Kow boys are participating this year (and I can say that because all of the Kow boys are your favourites, aren’t they?). You can probably guess who they are since they’re the nerdiest and social media-est of the three. Devin, Jago, and Stan will be joining thousands of other gamers across North America in an entire day of videogames. Both Devin and Jago are playing in support of the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation, while Stan, being a contrarian, is playing in support of the Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation.

With this post, we encourage you, if you have the means and the inclination, to support Team KNIFESHOES by clicking on one (or more) of our fundraising pages below. You can donate one of the recommended amounts, write in your own amount, or set up a monthly donation plan. Every little bit helps, so whether you choose to donate $1 or $100, we thank you for helping sick children in Edmonton and across Alberta. Or, if you’re of like mind, sign up and volunteer to participate in Extra Life yourself (and join Team KNIFESHOES if you know a bunch of the team). It’s a great cause!

Devin’s fundraising page (fundraising goal: $1500)

Jago’s fundraising page (fundraising goal: $500)

Stan’s fundraising page (fundraising goal: $500)

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