Fringe prep, part 1

We’re pleased to announce that we will be in the Edmonton Fringe Festival again this year. That makes 2014 our 10th consecutive year at the Fringe! Due to this awesome milestone, we are bringing you a great show chock-full of music. If you missed our Spring Fling, then most of the music will be brand new to you! And even if you attended the Spring Fling (thank you for your support, by the way), you’ll still want to come to the show for everything else we’ll be doing! The show features music, skits, and some video messages from some rather well known personalities. Our last Sunday show will be an all-hits, all-the-time spectacular.

But what’s the show called, you numbskull? I hear you asking. The show will have the very creative title of Apocalypse Kow’s Musical Tribute to Apocalypse Kow, and we’ll be at Knox-Metropolitan United Church nightly at 7pm (except the opening Thursday and the Tuesday). We will be selling refreshments, CDs and merch, and you can stay at the venue to see #YEGprov at 9pm!

More information is coming soon!

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