Ceci n’est pas un kow

We have many ideas for new shirts, but since we moved to an indoor Fringe stage a couple of years ago, the potential market for our shirts has decreased and though you may be the awesomest Kow fan, you can only want so many of the same t-shirt (one, usually). So we haven’t done a whole lot of shirt designing in the last few years. But in those last few years, we’ve had numerous requests to bring back the “ceci n’est pas un kow” shirt and we are nothing if not responsive to our public.

Here is the new design for the oft-requested shirt. The text is a slightly different font only because my computer, which stored the old design, has gone through two hard drive crashes since the original was created. The kow is the same, though perhaps a little older, more careworn, a better Call of Duty: Black Ops player, perhaps. This is a kow wiser in the ways of a cappella music and muay thai. I hope this meets with y’all’s approval.

2013 ceci nest pas un kow_jpg

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